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Useful information about water dispensers

Here you will find specialist and expert contributions on water dispensers and drinking water wells with water connections. Helpful information on funding opportunities, legal requirements and hygiene of piped drinking water dispensers can also be found here.

Trinkwasserspender mit Festwasseranschluss

An overview of our information articles

Trinkbrunnen auf der Messe Kassel

Aquadona präsentierte auf den Kasseler Wassertagen ihre nachhaltigen Trinkbrunnen, die durch innovative Technologien und umweltfreundliche Materialien den Zugang zu sauberem Trinkwasser verbessern. Die Veranstaltung diente als Plattform, um Fachleute und Interessierte über die Bedeutung von Trinkwasserbrunnen für Umweltschutz und öffentliche Gesundheit aufzuklären.

Nachhaltige IFAT Messe München mit Aquadona Trinkwasserbrunnen

Auf der IFAT Messe 2024 hat Aquadona das Publikum mit seinen nachhaltigen Trinkwasserbrunnen begeistert und den Fokus auf umweltfreundlichen Wasserkonsum gelegt. Als führendes Unternehmen im Bereich nachhaltiger Trinkwasserlösungen präsentierte Aquadona innovative Produkte, die einen minimalen ökologischen Fußabdruck hinterlassen, und zeigte damit sein starkes Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit und verantwortungsbewussten Umgang mit Ressourcen.

World Water Day 2024 with drinking fountains

Since World Water Day 2024, drinking water fountains have been the focus of efforts by BMUV, water suppliers, cities and the federal government to implement Agenda 2023 in the best possible way.

Water master meeting on drinking fountains at KEBI in Braunschweig

The new Water Resources Act is being implemented with regard to the requirement for free, publicly accessible drinking water, in the best possible way through drinking fountains.

EURO 2024 drinking fountain campaign

New year, new drinking fountain! 51 drinking water wells are being financed by the BMUV for EURO 2024.

Summary of drinking fountains in the Water Resources Act

The Water Resources Act can be a confusing maze - we have summarized it for you with regard to drinking fountains and distilled it down to the essence in an easy to understand way.

Water dispenser in a school Matisse

The Water Resources Act requires the increased installation of water dispenser, such as in schools and public institutions, in order to promote general health and protect the environment.

Drinking fountain in the new Federal Water Act

Due to the change in the Water Resources Act, which requires the increased installation of drinking water fountains, we have distilled down the content of our drinking fountains webinars for you to read here.

Water dispenser with fixed water connection around the tree

What kind of water dispenser models are there and which is suitable for what?

Designer water dispenser with water connection attached to the office wall

The old days are gone, so you still had to make compromises between design and functionality. The Anoroc model shines with finesse!

Public drinking fountain in the city

Public drinking fountains are now required by law. The aim is to reduce CO2, waste production and make drinking water available to the general public.

Wired carbonated water dispenser

Which is smarter: buy water dispensers with a water connection for companies, or maybe rent them?

water dispenser with chilled water

How can you offer chilled water quickly and cheaply?

Water dispenser in office pantry

Do future-oriented offices have to set up solid water dispensers instead of gallons?

Contactless water dispenser at the water connection in the gym

So that the members don't get tired so quickly: offer water (it doesn't cost anything!

Water dispenser with fixed water connection for industry and factory

Two stainless steel water dispensers with fixed water connection, which you should think of if you want to provide employees with fresh tap water in the manufacturing or manufacturing sector

Commercial water dispenser with fixed water connection

Why are fixed water dispensers becoming increasingly popular in industry?

POU tabletop water dispenser in a conference room

What is the difference between POU water dispensers, drinking water fountains and bottle filling stations?

Technical Note — Data Sheet DVGW 274

Clear summary of the DVGW Technical Note — Data Sheet W 274 (M)

Drinking water fountain guide for health departments

Recommendations for monitoring drinking water fountains in Germany. Perfect guide for health authorities

Contactless water dispenser in doctor's office

Why are hygienic drinking water dispensers an asset for the team and patients, especially in medical practices?

Frost-resistant drinking water fountain with water dispenser for outside

What is special about frost-resistant water dispensers for public areas?

Carbonated water dispenser with water connection

Automatically tap drinking water — contactless and lightning-fast: How to do it in an environmentally friendly way

Table water system with sparkling water

A comparison of bottled water systems and carbonated water dispensers

Water dispenser with water connection in public spaces

Why are more cities setting up public drinking fountains?

Startup water dispenser with fixed connection in black

The most important information about buying and renting water dispensers with a fixed connection to the water pipe.

Drinking water dispenser for sparkling water

Tap water from the machine - why not just from the tap?

Wired water dispenser with cooling

Warum ist gekühltes Trinkwasser besonders im Sommer hygienischer und keimfreier?

Strawberry in sparkling water from a CO2 water dispenser

Comparing different types of sparkling water dispensers (H2O carbonated with CO2) and what you need to know about them

Water dispenser with water connection in the company

Here is your manufacturer-independent water dispenser consultant company

Designer water dispenser with water connection and filter

What do water filters do and does a water dispenser even need one?

Contactless water dispenser in hospital

How does hygiene and hydration work for staff and patients in hospitals?

Free-standing water cooler with sparkling water

Why a fixed water cooler instead of gallon water?